Friday, February 08, 2013

Ice Bike and next up

Well, I've been a bit ill and my "real life" got me a bit busy.  I've been goofing around with a bunch of little things having to do with audio and playing a couple of new games as well as taking a few out of mothballs.  I'll probably blog about that stuff soon.

The next installment for The Crossroads of Legends on The Adventure Chronicles is on my calendar for next week.  However, it will likely be pushed back at least one week, as it is a bit behind schedule.  I've also got significant challenges for the picture after that as it is an imaginary city in an imaginary land.  That's tougher than I thought, but, I'll get it done.

I was inspired the other day to create the following picture.  It was inspired by a few things.  First, I have more than a few biker friends, and second it's winter around these parts.  I figured a picture of an ice sculptured motorcycle would be pretty cool.

While I can't make an ice sculpture in the real world, I can make one digitally.  I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out.  But, it's not bad.

So, without further adieu...

"Ice Bike" by JameDawg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
 You may find other sizes for this work (uploaded in 1080p HD) as well as some of my other pictures on my Flikr stream:

You may find my "story only" blog at:  The Adventure Chronicles

Hope your day is excellent!